Saturday, July 17, 2010

Let's Get Serious For A Moment

I'm sorry if what I'm about to say offends you, but I really don't like babies or the people that have them.

Recent Example Theater:

I was on a plane to Florida and I arrive at my nice comfy window seat to find a lady in it with her husband in the middle seat and she is breast feeding the baby. OK, first things first, couldn't you have breast fed that thing in the bathroom BEFORE YOU GOT ON THE PLANE!?! This is now so awkward!! So, whatever, even though I hate everything about these people and I'm kind of a bitch, I am extremely polite to strangers so I say "Oh, it's fine, I'll sit in the aisle seat". I genuinely didn't mind the seat switching. It's not that long of a flight so it's really not a big deal.

What makes it a big deal is that 20 minutes into the flight the woman decides she needs to change the kid's diaper, so she has to get out. Now, if I had been in the window seat (where I belong) this wouldn't have been an issue. But, whatever, I let her out and sit back down and wait for her to come back. So she comes back, we get out let her back in and sit back down.

This is where shit starts getting really annoying. Literally 3 minutes later, her husband decides that HE now urgently needs to go to the bathroom and makes me get up AGAIN and let him out. OK, dude, are you fucking serious?! I did you a favor by not making your wife move and now you're basically being the most annoying person on the planet. What the shit?! Couldn't you have gone back there at the same time?!

So, he comes and I let him back into his seat and then half an hour later she needs to go back to the bathroom......AAHHHHH. I'm pretty sure that I had to get up for them between 4 and 5 times during a 2.5 hour flight. Not cool, baby owners, not cool.

The real point here is that people with babies act as if you should drop your life to make everything easier for them. HELLLOOOOOO, you're the one who chose to have a baby! Do you want to know why I don't have a baby? It's because I don't want to deal with that shit, so stop forcing it upon me. Ughhhh.

Then there are the ladies at work who want to talk about nothing except babies and pregnancy. I won't even get started on them. I'll just save that for another rendition of "Things I Love to Hate".

<3 you all!


  1. I find babies ridiculously cute and kind of love them, but when they cry it strikes this homicidal nerve in me that I should probably take care of before I ever decide to pop one out.

  2. I am offended by this post so hard. I love babies. I also love making people get out of their seats fifty times during a flight. I'm so offended that I'm going to follow you. TAKE THAT!

  3. You are way too nice. In fact, the law states that you have to sit in your assigned seat if I am not mistaken. The flight attendant should know this and should have directed you to your seat. Secondly, I would have spoken up. I'm not rude, but when I purposely buy the window seat for my personal reasons(I like looking out and take pictures when we are close to landing,) I want my window seat. Especially, in this case where these people are going to be getting up several times....I would have mentioned it this way, "Hello. Ma'am, I believe my ticket says that my assigned seat is near the window. I think it will be easier for all of us, since you have a baby, if you had the aisle seat anyhow. I'll move aside while you switch." If she gives me any inkling of a hard time, I'd immediately call the flight attendant over. (I think the law says that you must remain in your assigned seat, just in case, pray this never happens, but if the plane goes down or their is a major issue, they can identify the passengers and who may be missing, say if the plane were to crash.) I'll have to look that up.

  4. Oh, and by the way, Christine. You are amazingly beautiful!
