Sunday, April 25, 2010

Day Drinking: A Love Affair.

My first foray into to day drinking was in Argentina the year after I graduated from high school and ever since the first time we met it was love at first drink. In the 7 years since then I've pretty much taken every possible opportunity to day drink. Some of my favorite events include St. Patrick's day, Homecoming, and tailgating for Phillies games but it isn't limited to these occasions, even the flimsiest of excuses can be used to justify it, which only makes me fall deeper in love.

One of the fondest memories that day drinking and I have together was first semester of my senior year. I had a midterm from 9-11 AM so my roommate, Liz, and I decided that we would start drinking directly after my midterm. Because it was not a widely accepted drinking holiday we felt a little bit odd cracking open that first beer at 11:15, but once it hit our lips, we never looked back. We drank a couple of beers at our apartment and then proceeded over to the bar across the street where we shared several pitchers, and 2 cake shots.

After that, we moved our two person party to Grotto's, a bar on Main Street in Newark which is a prime day drinking spot due to it's outdoor seating and great location. As the day wore on friends would stop by to chat or have a drink and by the time 2 PM rolled around we were well on our way to wasted (alliteration!!). We stayed there and drank for the next 6 hours with only a short field trip across the street to get some food. At 8 PM we, quite literally, stumbled out of the bar with home as our destination. On the way, we stopped by the fountain on campus for our traditional pictures in the fountain and then continued on our merry way. We arrived at our apartment and I promptly fell asleep on the floor wrapped in my comforter. Hours later we woke to knocking at our door. It was our neighbor inviting us to a party! The perfect ending to the perfect day of drinking!

Guys, I'm going to be honest, day drinking and I haven't always had a perfect relationship, far from it. We've had our ups and downs. There have been many times when the late afternoon rolled around and I was passed out in my bed (or a variety of other places) only to awake to a headache and a world of confusion. Is it the morning? How long was I sleeping? What's going on? Should I start drinking again? But, despite our imperfections, day drinking and I have only grown closer throughout the years and I hope we will have a long future together.

<3 Christine

P.S. Laura, I completely agree Re: the radio sitch. Since I bought my new car I pretty much never listen to the radio out of spite for my old car in which the ONLY option was the radio. Literally, ZERO other options. It had a tape player and one time I bought a tape thinking it would be not only hilarious and nostalgic but also an alternate form of entertainment. My dreams were then dashed against the rocks upon the realization that EVEN THE TAPE PLAYER WAS BROKEN. Being forced to listen to the radio for 3 years in my car has ruined any sense of spontaneity I might have previously felt. Now, when I listen to the radio, all I hear is sorrow and bad memories.

P.P.S. Laura, I love you, just saying.

1 comment:

  1. So I wonder if the follow up is you are working in the music industry in some capacity. Not quite what you expected. Glamour for glamour. Is Almost Famous required daily viewing?
